The First Handmade Carpet Comes Off the Loom in Dilovası

Dilovası Women’s Enterprise Production and Operation, which was established by Dilovası Mayor Hamza Şayir with the slogan “He who rocks the cradle, shakes the world”, for the women of Dilova to learn, develop and popularize the rug-making profession, to produce Hereke carpets and rugs with Anatolian motifs and to make Dilovası a brand in woven rugs. The first carpet hand-woven by the cooperative was taken off the loom yesterday, accompanied by Dilovası Mayor Hamza Şayir.
Dilovası Women’s Cooperative President Elif Özhuy, who was happy to see her first carpets come off the loom, said, “We took the first of our hand-woven carpets, for which we registered the GİLEM brand, off the loom. Now we are trying to increase our product stock. We will make a rapid entry into online platforms in a short time. We will start sales in Turkey and all over the world under the name of GİLEM through e-commerce sites and the website “I would like to thank our Mayor Hamza Şayir and his team, who always support us in our projects.” said.
Mayor Şayir, who received information about the hand-woven carpet taken down from the loom with the participation of Dilovası Mayor Hamza Şayir, Deputy Mayor Edip Bingöl and Dilovası Women’s Cooperative President Elif Özhuy, said in his statement: “Our Dilovası Women’s Cooperative; We took the first handmade carpet he had woven off the loom. Those who made great efforts in these rare works; First of all, I would like to thank our cooperative president and all our ladies. “Hopefully, we can make Dilovası a brand in hand-woven rugs by revealing the power of our women in our district and further expanding our project, which aims at more active participation of our women in social and economic life.” he said.
Source: Railly News