
Commemoration Ceremonies for the 750th Anniversary of the Reunion of Hazrat Mevlana Began

The International Commemoration Ceremonies of the 750th Anniversary of Hazrat Mevlana, which was held this year with the theme “Time of Reunion”, started with the performance of the first sema ritual.

Within the scope of the activities, Şems-i Tebrizi Tomb was visited first. To the program here; Konya Governor Vahdettin Özkan, Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism Batuhan Mumcu, General Director of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism Ömer Faruk Belviranlı, Deputy Mayor of the Metropolitan Municipality Mustafa Uzbaş, Provincial Director of Culture and Tourism Abdüssettar Yarar, Mevlana’s granddaughter from the 22nd generation, Esin Çelebi Bayru. , AK Party Provincial Chairman Hasan Angı, mayors, protocol members and citizens attended.


At the event, after the recitation of the Holy Quran and prayers, a “Time of Reunion” march was held, starting from Konya Governorship and ending with Mevlana Square, accompanied by the protocol participating in the program. After the Nawba ceremony, Hz. The “Gülbang Prayer”, a Mevlevi tradition, was recited at Mevlana’s sarcophagus.


In the evening part of the ceremonies, the first sema program was held at the Metropolitan Municipality Mevlana Cultural Center. Ömer Faruk Belviranlı, General Director of Fine Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, who made the opening speech, said that a valuable opportunity was provided on the 750th anniversary of the reunion to re-understand and explain Hazrat Mevlana.

Konya Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Uzbaş emphasized that Hazrat Mevlana is one of the most important figures of thousands of years of ancient civilization and said, “Hazrat Mevlana; blended his thought with Islam, science, philosophy and Sufism; He integrated it with the concepts of faith, goodness and tolerance, thus turning his ideas into a system of thought that cannot be aged by time and place. Our Konya, the city of peace and spirituality, has had its share of these beauties and has shined like a sun with the presence of Hazrat Mevlana. Especially; In today’s world, which is ravaged by wars, pain, blood and tears, we understand much better the direction he drew for humanity. “Hopefully, one day the whole world will understand Hazrat Mevlana better and will be reshaped around love, goodness, peace, tolerance and justice,” he said.


Konya Governor Vahdettin Özkan also stated that the tradition created by Hazrat Mevlana is one of the important sources that nourish Turkish wisdom life. Stating that this source reached from Anatolia to Rumelia through a spiritual chain, Governor Özkan said, “Hazrat Pir embraced all humanity and was welcomed with deep favor by all humanity. With his works, he ensures seeing unity in multiplicity, multiplicity in unity, and showing the artist through art. Hazrat Pir’s comments imprint the monotheism and order in the universe on minds. Hazrat Mevlana left a deep impact on art, elegance and literature. “Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, who depicted the vision of human, universe and life coming together from the window of the heart, left a universal legacy that appeals to all times and people,” he said.


Prof. Dr. The program continued with Mahmut Erol Kılıç’s Mesnevi lesson and the recitation of the Holy Quran, and a Sufi music concert was given by the artist Ahmet Özhan. Then, the “Mevlevi Rite” was performed by the Konya Turkish Sufi Music Ensemble of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. The coin worn by 14-year-old Emir Kağan Bektaş, one of the volunteer whirling dervishes who lost his life as a result of a traffic accident during the Sema, was left in the mail.

On the other hand, awards were presented to the winners of the Mevlana Poems Composition Competition organized by the General Directorate of Fine Arts.

Source: Railly News

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